Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Themes and Icons

I have been curious for a while now how people feel about icons. I am always torn between how I feel personally about icons and how I feel as a theme designer. As I designer I feel that I should continue to create new and visually exciting icons to coordinate with new themes to keep my customer base interested in my product. However when it comes to use(and believe me I use it A LOT!) Nothing pisses me off more than staring at my phone trying to figure out where in the HELL the options icon is so I can switch back to a theme with a familiar wrench awaiting me. Ever since R.I.M. redesigned the standard icon set, I have a tendency to use the Precision icons for a lot of my themes. I am a huge fan of clean precise function in my themes, and I realize by designing the way I do that I will most definitely exclude some theme hunters but I feel that the people who appreciate my themes will be the real tried and true bb users the kind that have their pin tattooed somewhere on their body. I would love some feedback on the subject, so users let me know what you think!


Changing gears

I have decided to change the tone of this blog. It started as part of our seo formula to gain inbound links but isn't entirely necessary at this point so I am going to use this as my blog to discuss things in the blackberry sphere that is my life. I love discussion so feel free to comment and be involved.